World Scavenger Hunt

search, look, high and low, scour the area for, sweep or comb it, seek, try and find, scout around, rummage about, root or fish around for. pursue.

Monday, November 27, 2006

find a way...

to make the world
smaller than you are

caption: blowing the moon
(i had to throw a sexual innuendo in)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ridin' dirty... wait what?

i had a request to post the roof of my car-- so here it is, and my bobble head Jesus... only in bellevue washington... only in bellevue washington.
the Bobble Head Jesus in the Volv

In highschool i boycotted my senior yearbook for signatures and had everyone sign the Volv. nice.

roof of the Volv

Friday, November 24, 2006

Not To Be Forgot...

I know its not my turn to post anything for new consideration-- but since the Volvo's have been being post i can help but post My Ex-Volv.

RIP Volv. Summer 2006


i found this volv in a small garage shop in pacific beach, san diego. i talked to the owner, to buy, but i was short eleven dollars! it would've been stephy's if i were just a bit richer, sorry steph! ain't she a beaut though? i heart volvos and civics!

Monday, November 20, 2006

this one's for stephy:

Saffron Volvo

***Says: "Rock out" behind it.
Used to say "Rocky Mountain Information Center" but someone tore off all the letters.

This caris owned by Charles Haertling's son. Charles Haertling is the best architect in Boulder. Check him out!

Friday, November 17, 2006


This isnt my interpertation, nor a horse...but it was fun...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Brooklyn crop of New Brunswick Art

Yet Oh so meaningful in the Dada sense of intellectual-explanation-of-modern-art equals beauty and truth.
Haven't we gone haywire? The Scav.hunt is off course and it is better for its swerve!
Either find a horse or your interpretation of The mark of question.

New Brunswick, NJ

FIND SOME HORSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This picture is like meg gems! A stack of nature!!! Everything is moving so quickly! Who is next?!?!

Get your rocks off

This was taken in Lyons, CO at the Planet Bluegrass Folk Festival in August. Rocks rock. Like a conglomerate.

*picture provided by DLedet's digi. Thank you for your contribution, sir. :)

ok, so i believe it was my beloved meg-gem that responded to chelsea's hawaii picture with the notion that beauty can be found in anything natural.. i thought this was super beautiful atop a mountain we found a rock garden and this is my favorite of the bunch. don't let the biceps on the figure on the left fool you, i'm the one on the right ;-)

Piscataway, NEW JERSEY

I know your world has stopped waiting for me to post this. Interpret it how you want. Wherever in the world you are.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hilo, Hawai'i

Having recently lost my ability to load new pictures, as I was walking through leaves, I remembered this stunning picture of the sky I took in May. It is sunrise. My last day there. Jeff Buckley lyrics come to mind: "...sucked me in and pulled me under..."

I hope you accept this image. When I'm told you do, I'll post the next!!!!
Aloha! hehe!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

People don't look up enough.

Take some time to lift your eyes to the skies! I found polk-a-dots, what prettily patterned sky might you discover? Just as fast as the dotted clouds came, they went. So be acutely aware of their fleeting personalities. Perhaps they were off to Yorkshire, UK- a transatlantic journey to my ever english comrade, Tina Prickett. Perhaps they sailed eastward from Boulder. Somethin' to ponder...
Photographer: Stephanie Kansky of the Czech Republic
Model: Jacqueline McCormick of the NYC streets


Stephy and i have found our favorite statue in new york city's Washington Square Park. Instead of climbing the statue and pulling the touristy "Will you take our picture?" we decided to use the shot-from-below approach, lining ourselves (Garibaldi included) in an ascending fashion- most important person at the bottom, of course. Garibaldi is our main squeeze. His statue-existence in Washington Square Park is quite random seeing as WSP is known for a history of avant-garde bohemian residers, but as Speed Levitch would explain, "he is a revolutionary." For more on Speed's three reasons Garibaldi is in WSP, reference his brilliant piece "Speedology: Speed on New York on Speed"- a poetic explosion of the wonders and charms of New York City life.
If there was a statue of Speed, that would have been our choice. But we'll have to settle with an absurd Garibaldi, won't we?

Our next post will be by Steph because I don't know how to post videos yet, and our choice is that of an action photo...

Friday, November 10, 2006

You and a statue of choice!

Not as majestic as the daytime moon light.... but leads for some fun pictures....Above you will see me and constintine the great on our first date...Find that certain statue....;)

Thursday, November 09, 2006


My front yard...Yorkshire England! :)
I still dont know how to use my real expensive camera yet, soo this pic doesnt serve this lil moon justice. But I dig the trees and how there thaughtfull and gave him some room to hang out without hindering observers of Ampleforths view...Thanks trees!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tantra Park, Boulder, CO

Daytime moonshine

Friday, November 03, 2006

Friends across the globe, friends in the blogosphere!

Madame Tina Prickett has requested that the fun does not stop due to distance.
Here, we will create a virtual scavenger hunt that reaches across the United States and the Atlantic Ocean.
The anticipated participants include chaps from the UK, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Maine, North Carolina (what city? you'll see), Missouri, Colorado and California. How's it work?

I will begin by inviting all the said candidates to join this blog. Once the invitation is accepted, the games begin. I will post a picture from Boulder, Colorado and the first person to post a picture of the same thing from their area triumphs (momentarily)!
The prize: first person to post a picture from their area wins the right to pick the next object, scene, whatever to post next.

The purpose is to stay in touch, stay creative, have fun and see where everyone else is living now-a-days.

Let the games begin!!!