World Scavenger Hunt
search, look, high and low, scour the area for, sweep or comb it, seek, try and find, scout around, rummage about, root or fish around for. pursue.
search, look, high and low, scour the area for, sweep or comb it, seek, try and find, scout around, rummage about, root or fish around for. pursue.
gosh darnit i saw a very orange moon, an orange moon as orange as an orange peel, in the sky at six pm this evening but my camera happened to not be in my satchel
i could've won the prize? i will find that morningmoon
well that is a good sign that you need to carry your camera in your satchel at all times.
orange moon = hunter moon is November. cool, eh?
wow that is really pretty. this game is going to be fun. but please someone do tell me, how do I post a picture?
As soon as my puter works again, you fools is finished!!!!!!!!!!! If I am with jackie on a drunken bender, though, do we get to share in the riches of victory? Or will we have to karate kick to the death to see who takes the camera home. Cause I'm callin dibs.
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