World Scavenger Hunt

search, look, high and low, scour the area for, sweep or comb it, seek, try and find, scout around, rummage about, root or fish around for. pursue.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Find happiness in a not so happy situation:

A happy face water tower backdropping a park pavilion and rainbow colored playground?!? What do you mean find happiness in a NOT SO HAPPY situation? What could be happier than a happy TOWER?!

Let me explain- - - >

As you all know, I should have been really freakin' on top of World Scavenger Hunt, as I was traveling the entire country, a new town on a weekly basis, seeing all kinds of crazy shit along the way. Who was with me the entire journey? Blanche. Blanche is the Autumn Teneyl company vehicle who was misunderstood, in my opinion. Most anyone who rode with her feared for their life or simply became disgruntled by the awkward situation of the passenger side: no window option, inadequate legroom, and front row seat to the Meghann's ramblings about how Blanche won't: turn, stop, speed up or start.

So, why was this day that I met the happy face tower in Ashley, Indiana a not so happy day? Well, the day I met the happy face tower was the day of Blanche's death. She passed gracefully along 69 North, about 2.1 miles south of Ashley, Indiana, who proudly announces on a modest-sized street sign that they birthed the Smiley Face.

Imagine the irony of this situation: my road companion Andy and I are traveling approximately 12 miles an hour on the shoulder of a 65 MPH highway, stopping to turn off the engine every 2 minutes to just get Blanche to move, and as we pull into the first town for a car doctor, the very first thing we see is a sign stating "Welcome to Ashley Indiana, Home of the Smiley Face." Just ahead peaks the cadmium yellow water tower, decked out in a symmetrical bi-triangle black bow tie.

I think that is exactly the place Blanche would've chosen to be buried.

Blanche after the autopsy

Trying to pretend it's all okay . . .

What Blanche would've wanted her gravestone to say... 303 MLF. 303 is the area code for Boulder, Colorado and there sure are lots of Milfs there. . . everyone always thought that's what her plates said from far away.

Her replacement from upstate Michigan. Certainly did not have as much of a personality as Blanche . . .

R.I.P Blanche.

Feigning perception.

I am pretty sure that this guy ( girl? who knows! ) has long forgotten he has a tail, as he probably has also long forgotten he is a dog. I loved that he smiled at me as though he could actually see me. Feigning perception. Imagine living your life like that - where you heard someone come up to you, ask you a question and you do have the sense of sight, but you just have to face the direction of the voice and smile. I bet It-looking-hippies do it all the time.

Unfortunately, the woman who was with this dog had to do the exact same with me - nod and smile. She had no idea what I was saying because she didn't speak a lick of English. Or at least that is what I assume, as when I asked her do you speak English she just nodded and smiled. Living in San Francisco, America, I would imagine you'd at least learn that phrase. I feel just as silly not knowing a lick of Spanish and living in America. I spelled La Jolla 'La Hoya' yesterday. Live and learn, I suppose.

My Rainbow. What's your rainbow?

Chelsea, you reignited what W.S.H. is supposed to be about: creativity. Thank you - I know I will attempt to be as on top of this world as possible for the next few weeks.

I decided I wasn't going to wait around to see a rainbow in the sky, especially not on such a significant day of defeat for the dispersive circumstance of light - NYS Senate did not pass the Equal Rights Marriage Bill and I am pissed. Maybe I am just too hopeful or naïve, but I thought for sure it would get passed. Makes no sense to me that in a country of liberty and justice for all, two people in love can't legally display it.

Here is my rainbow. I made it out of all the things going on in my life right now.

Red: packaging tape. I have been traveling from city to city, packaging up boxes, lots and lots of boxes.
Orange: Love Chocolate. I miss Brian and eat chocolate because it reminds me of him.
Yellow: A bracelet that says EVOLVE. A man at Burning Man gifted it to me. It symbolized the 'Pay it Forward' mentality. Anytime I saw someone with a similar bracelet on, I was supposed to, no questions asked, give them something. I think that mentality would be well-suited to translate into the regular world, even without bracelets.
Green: The book I am reading right now and have been reading since the last second I stepped out of NYC in May.
Blue: A map of Chicago that Brian gave to me. I am in Chicago.
Purple: an Autumn Teneyl dress! 'Cause that's my world lately ;)

Okay, onward with this hunt. I love playing this game with you guys. It keeps me connected. I miss you. Have I told you that lately?

Find an animal who forgets they have a tail...

Rainbow on GayDay

What better a time than during NYC Gay Pride weekend!