People don't look up enough.

Take some time to lift your eyes to the skies! I found polk-a-dots, what prettily patterned sky might you discover? Just as fast as the dotted clouds came, they went. So be acutely aware of their fleeting personalities. Perhaps they were off to Yorkshire, UK- a transatlantic journey to my ever english comrade, Tina Prickett. Perhaps they sailed eastward from Boulder. Somethin' to ponder...
Photographer: Stephanie Kansky of the Czech Republic
Model: Jacqueline McCormick of the NYC streets
Que are u wearing your bathing suit with a scarf?...
haha it looks so, doesn't it!
that's her "don't even bother" tank because no matter how much you try & shift it, the light blue striped bra will furtively maneuver its way to sunlight.
it just so happens i was wearing black&pink bra that day.
and yes it is true. don't even bother.
'kinis and scarfs! spread the word cross the world~
it is the polkadotted sky that matters, not my chest.
did you not get the point of the post? i said to look up and just like a typical guy, tina, you stare at my boobs.
keep those eyes in the sky :)
bras. you guys are al lesibians for only thinking about bras... says the lesbian.
Que surely raised the bar on this post. poka dot skies are the new it thing. and i should try to sell this picture to ansel adams.
whatever that means.
Hey I was just wondering....I mean dont worry the next pic I take will be in my bathing suit and scarf...cause you know im your friend and would do that for you...
ROCK THE CASBAH!!! my giant calculator works again... lets saddle up and riiiiiiiide!
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when will the clouds go away so i can see the blue sky again??
and temporarily i have no way to load my pictures onto my computer :(
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