World Scavenger Hunt

search, look, high and low, scour the area for, sweep or comb it, seek, try and find, scout around, rummage about, root or fish around for. pursue.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ominous Beauty

Sometimes i find that the most beautiful things in life, be it a sunset, mountain range or waterfall, can also evoke feelings of darkness, despare, and shear lonelyness. I think it is only natural from time to time to embrace these emaotions... SO i give to you the Cascase mountain range-- beauty, grandeur , and touch of mystery. Find your mysterious beauty

merry holidays!

Monday, December 25, 2006

A Dingle Bell Holding a Bell

Muhaha i got a jump on all y'all-- for in the house of Kansky, christmas came a day early. Thats right we had christmas on christmas eve... why you may ask. Well, i think its because my mother thought it was xmas and we all just went with it... yeah not really but its fun to think about the holidays w. "that crazy relative". anyass.

Above is Jerry and Melinda, holding a Whidbey Island made star bell ... sculpture... thing. Which is pretty awesome. But everytime this bell rings, instead of angel getting thier wings,no, instead a kansky goes to ireland... so. Technically it hasn't rung yet. but it will in 3 days. score mother TRUCKERRRRRRRR. anyway.

stay tunes for the next item to find...
happy christmas my fellow bloggers

Friday, December 22, 2006


Everytime a bell rings, an angel gets it's wings.
Say that 5 times fast: "gets its" "gets its" "gets its" "fets mits" "git zits" bah!

or try this:

Spell Liqueur out loud: L - I - Q - U - E - U - R

I like the Liq - ueu ARRRRRR. What a fun word to spell..

Anyway, we're back in business folks!


Frame within a Frame

This was at Naropa - one of my favorites. She's not tracing deadbodies, but it's my interpretation of similitude.

*This is not my photograph; it is my photograph of a photograph; I do not know the photographer.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

yea, i knwo its a lil strange but i figure it'll pose a challenge to those willing to hunt. found after a late late night on the way to get some diner grub (by god, they're hard to find in the south) i leave interpretation to you all, and to all, good luck (mostly cause i'm not sure what the in this crazy world one could follow that up with)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

well... you said something big and fuzzy so i went out one day and guess what i saw? a huge robot dog looking thing that i came to find out has the scientific name of "Boozersaurus". he is a rare breed of alaskan mountain goat and varies in size from a little less than 14 inches long to a pee your pants scary 16 feet! this one was a baby, i guess, but this picture makes him look like a king. and no, those arent my hands, he actually has incredibly intimidating digitus antler ears.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Only in Washington Square Park...

...or is it?
Can you find a large bunny or a large fuzzy animal in your neck o' the woods?

Buses Subways... they're all the same

This is my roommate Lizelle testing the validity of new york city subway signs...
not many of you have seen her congo fro. Let's just say a little splice added a little spice to her doo.
Gotta love drunken subway mischievity.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Catch your favorite Bus Billboard!

Saturday, December 02, 2006


This was our first storm - a foot and a half of snow. I had to walk from my school teaching the kiddies to the bus stop a mile down the railroad tracks. This was me being bigger than the world. The angle of the tracks makes me bigger than the mountains (which you can't see because of the flurrrrries.)