well... you said something big and fuzzy so i went out one day and guess what i saw? a huge robot dog looking thing that i came to find out has the scientific name of "Boozersaurus". he is a rare breed of alaskan mountain goat and varies in size from a little less than 14 inches long to a pee your pants scary 16 feet! this one was a baby, i guess, but this picture makes him look like a king. and no, those arent my hands, he actually has incredibly intimidating digitus antler ears.
are you in your underwear?....someone in the background has some nice white under-roos!
that's fuzzy fer sher
i love ali. what is your new photo to find!!?!????!!!?!??!
oh yea o yea, forgot about that part. umm and yes, those might be my legs, but rather than undies they are in fact a pair of short hoochie shorts... its how i got my tips to afford a trip to ireland ;-)
woot woot.
i say play another photo- im cited!
i dont even see legs back there
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