World Scavenger Hunt

search, look, high and low, scour the area for, sweep or comb it, seek, try and find, scout around, rummage about, root or fish around for. pursue.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

okay so let's make this easy again, then build back up to the expert levels of things. i'll say this challenge is to simply have fun. paint your face or something. funny hats? check. rayguns? check. plastic swords? check. let loose and make a mess. take a picture and share it with us!

p.s. the mustache is real.

here's two pics of the pup.. he's my little man and i dont know what else to say other than my heart melts all the time. i wish all of you could see me with him, and jon too! we're both those annoying puppy dog voice people who pat him on the bum and tell him "good job!" when he squeezes out a little mini turd. Oh, little Rufus. Let's see what we can put up for next time...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

here's the real daisy, in her younger years...

for those who don't know:

Thursday, April 03, 2008

I suppose I goes again...

Corgi named Penny! Unfluffed daisy-look-a-like :)

Find a cute pupdog (or other animal) who has been stranded by their owner, but still looks happy as a deep-sea clam.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

ceramic or human . . . still amphibian

only salamanders around here are dagny's playtoy friends . . .

i think i defeated the purpose of miss chelsea's post, therefore i leave this one open for another REAL wildlife amphibian...