Corn Porn

Okay so my friend Hulie and I were going to make until i went to TN and got lost in a corn maize (get it, maize - maze hahah - yea i know you did i just wanted to make myself giggle) anyway, i stumbled upon this moldy peice of... fruit? vegetable? grain. yes. precisely. find something that is still living but molding. or a choice or blend or you know. be creative, thats what we do best. love ya, mean it
woooooo keep it going!!! motherfucks!!!
that looks like a baby eucalyptus panda fetus snarl. wow. i hope i can top that, cause i got a good one next!
heheheeh eww. yuk. awesome description, seriously. top it. please. im interested. eager. antsy, if you will.
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